Messages de solidarité de Naomi Klein, Oscar Olivera, Peter Bohmer et Niki Ashton

[Naomi Klein, journalist and writer from Canada]

In Skouries, Chalkidiki, it is not “two extremes” that are in conflict, as the Greek government would have it, it is two opposing worldviews. On one side there are forces that fight for the unfettered pursuit of profits and growth, sacrificing democracy, destabilizing life on earth and jeopardizing the future of all of our children. On the other side there are everyday people fighting for their right to live in harmony with their environment and to decide collectively on the issues that affect everyone.

The peaceful but determined resistance of the residents of Chalkidiki is not criminal — on the contrary, it is heroic, representing humanity’s best chance of avoiding catastrophe. The real vandals are not the ones in the streets; they are the ones sending bulldozers and clear-cutters into that magnificent forest.

On November 9th, along with thousands of people around the world, I urge the Greek government to stop the unjust prosecutions of anti-mining activists, and to abandon the flawed and disastrous logic that holds that the only solution to the economic crisis is to sacrifice the environment.


[Oscar Olivera, political fighter in the movement « Water Warriors », against the privatization of water in Cochabamba, Bolivia]

From Cochabamba, Bolivia to Chalkidiki, in our beloved Greece.

To the men and women, to the youth, the children, the elderly, the simple hard-working people living near Skouries, in Chalkidiki.

To all those who for hundreds of years have been living in peace, fraternity, equality, as core values to move towards everyday joy and hope as well as a permanent harmonious relationship with Pachamama, Mother Earth.

To all of you, who are like us, here in Cochabamba, Bolivia, we are telling you that you are not alone, we are together, because the struggle for life, for the soil, for our happiness, for our dreams is the struggle of all people, against capital, against multinationals, against the governments that sell off our land, against the arrogance of the powerful, against the plunder of the commons…

Overcoming fear, through mutual trust, to the terror we respond with struggle, to the lies we respond with dignity, to death we respond with …life.

So move ahead our brothers and sisters from Chalkidiki!… because your fight is also our fight.

Oscar Olivera Foronda

Water Warriors, Cochabamba – Bolivia,

On a sunny afternoon in the South side of the world, on a beautiful day in November 2013.

[Peter Bohmer, Professor of Political Economy at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington]

We support the just struggle of the courageous people of Halkidiki and Greece against gold mining in that region. It is part of an effort against destructive mining that is growing and becoming global in scope. We strongly request the end of all repression against those involved in this struggle for democracy and environmental justice in Halkidiki, Thessaloniki and Greece. The ongoing organizing and efforts by the Greek people and social movements against austerity and financial and transnational capital and for economic justice are truly inspiring. We in Olympia, Washington, U.S.A. will be there in spirit in Thessaloniki on November 9, 2013 for the rally of protest, struggle and solidarity.


[Niki Ashton, Greek-Canadian congresswoman]

I was recently in Northern Greece where I had the chance to see up close what the people are struggling for. They are struggling for their land, for their water, for air and for our future. Their struggle is just. With solidarity from Canada,

Niki Ashton